– About us

Welcome to
the Private elementary school of democratic education

Extraordinary Democratic Primary School

included in the network of primary schools

by decision of the Ministry of Education 2020/10770:9-A2200

Vitajte na webe Slobodnej školy Košice

Neobyčajná demokratická zakladna škola

zaradená do siete základných škôl

rozhodnutím min. školstva 2020/10770:9-A2200

Vitajte na webe

Slobodnej školy Košice

Neobyčajná demokratická zakladna škola
zaradená do siete základných škôl
rozhodnutím min. školstva 2020/10770:9-A2200


We are proud to be Slovakia’s first and only legally recognized school offering self-directed education. Our unique approach is made possible by a legal exception granted for our ongoing research, conducted in collaboration with the Faculty of Pedagogy at the University of Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra. Learn more about our research here.

Our school provides education for children aged 6–15, covering ISCED1 (6–11 years) and ISCED2 (11–15 years) programmes. Since our opening in 2021, we have grown into a thriving community of approximately 800 students and 50 dedicated staff members. We represent 40% of Slovakia’s homeschoolers and provide a safe, inclusive community for 125 students with diagnosed special educational needs as well as long-term support for their families.

Our approach is inspired by globally renowned democratic education models, including Summerhill, Sudbury and Hadera schools, which have been pioneers in self-directed learning for decades, achieving remarkable success.


Our vision

is an educational system that respects the individuality of every child, nurtures intrinsic motivation, and fosters a deep commitment to democratic values. We believe that the formative years spent in educational institutions should be joyful, enriching, and inspiring, promoting cognitive growth while shaping competent, engaged citizens who are ready to make a positive impact on the world and understand the importance of cooperation. We want future generations to thrive in an interconnected world, equipped with the values and skills to contribute meaningfully to society.

Our mission

is to create an environment where children are free to explore, learn, and develop their full potential within a culture of self-regulation, trust and respect. We believe that children learn best when their imagination and exploration, questioning everything, is given the freedom to flourish. Through self-directed education, we empower children to take responsibility for their own learning journeys, fostering autonomy, creativity, and personal growth.

Key features are:

  • Self-Directed Learning: Students design their own educational paths, fostering autonomy and curiosity.
  • Democratic Governance: Students and staff collaborate equally in decision-making through direct democracy.
  • Inclusive Environment: We support diverse backgrounds, including students with special educational needs, in a tolerant and accepting community.
  • Mixed-Age Groups: Learning in mixed-age settings encourages collaboration, leadership, and peer-to-peer learning.
  • Outdoor & Experiential Learning: Nature-based activities promote well-being, environmental awareness, and hands-on discovery.
  • Research-Based Approach: In partnership with the University, we study the impact of self-directed education on holistic development.
  • Global Connections: Through networks like EUDEC, IALS, QUEST and RCE, we exchange ideas and collaborate internationally.

Our Collaborations and Projects

We actively collaborate with organizations like European Democratic Education Community (EUDEC), The International Association of Laboratory Schools (IALS), Rights-Centric Education (RCE), QUEST participating in dozens of conferences both locally and internationally. We have visited dozens of democratic schools across the EU and are committed to continuous learning and improvement. We also take advantage of opportunities offered by Erasmus+ projects.

Since 2021, we’ve participated in dozens of impactful projects. We are especially proud that several of our projects have been led by our students themselves.

We are dedicated to democratic and right-centric education. Our Erasmus+ project and participation in the Leadership Academy at CEU Democracy Institute enhance our focus on democratic values. Our collaboration with the Ministry of Education through value-based programs and recognition as an Engaged School highlight our commitment to civic engagement. In education, literacy, and creativity, we foster a love of reading through different programs. We also encourage creativity, while supporting school libraries through.

Promoting health, well-being, and movement is essential to our approach. We address physical activity and emotional well-being with programs as well as integrate health professionals into the school. In science, financial literacy, and entrepreneurship, we inspire students to engage with the world. Through our focus on community engagement and global citizenship we are raising awareness of social issues. Thanks to the partnerships with Manifesto, RCE, and Learning Planet, we connect with a global network of changemakers.

Through these projects, we continue to build an educational environment that empowers students, supports educators, and strengthens our communities.


Slobodná demokratická škola Košice prijíma nových žiakov pre školský rok 2022/2023 do 1. až 9. ročníka na denné aj domáce študium. Bez neustáleho riadenia a prísunu podnetov poskytneme priestor pre osvedčený model slobodného vzdelávania a voľnej hry potvrdený aj najnovšími poznatkami z pedagogiky, psychológie a neurológie. Formálne sme bežná základná škola a preto päť dní v týždni bude kvalifikovaný personál sprevádzať deti svetom v slobode, inklúzii, pri zachovaní vnútornej motivácie a hojnom pobyte vonku. Dovolíme Vášmu dieťaťu učiť sa spôsobom a tempom jemu vlastným.