Digital Storytelling for Peaceful Coexistence (DSPC)

Digitálne rozprávanie príbehov pre mierové spolužitie

Naša škola sa s hrdosťou zapojila do projektu Digitálne rozprávanie príbehov pre mierové spolužitie, aby podporila porozumenie a mierové spolužitie. Vďaka rozhovorom o životných príbehoch vznikli dokumentárne filmy, v ktorých účastníci zdieľali svoje skúsenosti.  
Tento projekt, realizovaný v Arménsku (Innovation Center for Social Research), Gruzínsku (Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI)) a na Slovensku (Slobodná škola Košice), zbiera osobné príbehy ľudí postihnutých vojnami a konfliktmi. 

Projekt bol implementovaný vďaka THE CIVICS Innovation Hub.  

Digital Storytelling for Peaceful Coexistence (DSPC)

The Digital Storytelling for Peaceful Coexistence(DSPC) project aims to promote empathy and reconciliation between European communities historically affected by conflict. The project seeks to become a bridge between societies by collecting the personal stories of individuals affected by wars and conflicts. As a result of the life story interviews, documentaries were created in which the participants shared their experiences. The project was implemented in three countries: Armenia (Innovation Center for Social Research), Georgia (Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI)) and Slovakia (Slobodná škola Košice). 

The project was implemented thanks to THE CIVICS Innovation Hub.