
What to learn?

In the National Curriculum (syllabus) you will find performance and content standards from each grade and subject.

More information:

Štátny vzdelávací program pre 1. stupeň ZŠ

Štátny vzdelávací program pre 2. stupeň ZŠ

As of 1.9.2024, pupils educated according to special forms of education have been exempted from the experimental verification of self-directed education and are bound by the curriculum for a given grade and subject.

Enrolment fee and scholarship

Valid for school. r. 2024/2025: A one-off fee of 260 euro (valid for enrolment between 5.4.-30.4.2024, for the year 2024/2025) for home educated pupils, after the enrolment deadline the enrolment fee is 310 euro.
We believe that the economic background of a family should not determine the education of the children in it, so we take this issue seriously and have agreed with literally everyone so far. To ensure that finances are not a barrier to education, it is possible to apply for a scholarship of up to 100% in the enrolment period (5-30 April) for the following school year. Email with a brief description of your financial situation. Applications with justification are considered on an individual basis. The application form can be found at this link.

Forms of cooperation and school fees - updated 5.4.2024

School fees are payable 12 months a year in the amount according to the form of study chosen:

  • Pupils in home education at the request of the family according to the National Curriculum
    • education around the curriculum (
    • Homeschooling based on personal preference (without a compelling administrative documented reason) as in every other mainstream school in the country that supports homeschooling.
    • Subjects will no longer be integrated, but divided as in regular schools (SJL, MAT, BIO, GEO….)
    • Grades in grades 1-9 – simple and regular report cards with grades in all grades of primary school for each subject separately.
    • At the end of each term, the pupil will be examined by a board mainly on the topics prescribed by the state for that term and at the same time as much as possible related to the ordinary world.
    • The school will supply pupil assessment criteria at the start of the school year
    • The school fee is 55 euro per month.
    • The school fee for pupils admitted after 15.9. is 70 euro per month.
    • how we are thinking about the commissioning review: pdf file
  • Pupils on home education for serious health reasons (§24-2-a of the School Act);
    • It is reserved for pupils where there are compelling reasons to do so.
    • Pupil educated in a special form of education on the basis of serious health reasons (multiple disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, severe immune and neurological deficits, acute psychological difficulties, etc.) according to §23 (a) and §24 (2) (a) of the Education Act 245/2008 Coll.
    • IV referral required from pediatrician or counseling center.
    • No board review, evaluated on an ongoing basis based on activities during the school year, with respect to accommodations, if granted by the counseling center based on diagnosis.
    • It is necessary to attend 2h per week at least remotely – in person or online consultations, a circle, a presentation of an intermediate assignment, a trip or excursion in Košice and its surroundings, where our colleague will be present.
    • The need to have up to date reports from the guidance office at all times regarding the child even with special needs.
    • School fee 29 euro per month.
    • The school fee for pupils admitted after 15.9. is 54 euro per month.
  • Study abroad – self-supported (§23-b of the School Act);
    • Always before the start of the school year, you will submit an application according to Section 25 (2) of the School Act and provide the school with a document confirming your attendance at the foreign school that is usable for legal purposes, i.e. a document in paper form or a digitally signed electronic document recognised within the EU, e.g. a PDF document with a digital signature in the North American ESIGN standard compatible/comparable with the European eIDAS).
    • Conditions such as tuition fees, grades, work in progress, self-management, etc. are determined by the foreign school you choose and are the responsibility of the legal guardian.
    • The family receives a report card only from the foreign school, unless the family requests a review of specific subjects and years against the curriculum. At the time of the examination, we will issue a report card for the subjects and years requested by the family.
    • Maintained ability to participate in school Olympiads and competitions, online clubs, visit the Free School and its activities and trips while in the SR, use educational electronic resources and licenses, attend online support groups, etc. under existing and unchanged terms and conditions.
    • When returning from abroad, the parent requests a commission examination in the necessary subjects (usually at least SJL), while 1 commission examination is charged 40 euros, which covers the cost of a three-member commission, preparation, evaluation and the bureaucracy associated with it.
    •  School fee 0 euro.
    • For this form of study we do NOT provide paper teaching materials (i.e. Slovak textbooks and workbooks). We also do NOT provide a subsidy from the Ministry of Education for the purchase of textbooks.
    • However, we will provide you with access to the online Slovak textbooks, which are available on the editing portal in PDF format. We will also give you access to some educational websites (e.g. SmartBooks, Minecraft education, etc.).
  • Study abroad – in cooperation with the Free School
    • Compared to the previous option (self-supported study abroad), we will help with the complete bureaucracy, all fees and overcoming language and technology barriers. We will also provide Slovak textbooks and review of all necessary grades of Slovak language and literature that the family needs when transferring to another school (e.g. high school entrance exams typically score grades in SJL for grades 7, 8 and 9).
    • School fee 40 euro per month.
    • The school fee for pupils admitted after 15.9. is 65 euro per month.
    • In this form of study we provide paper teaching materials (i.e. Slovak textbooks and workbooks). If you are eligible for a subsidy from the Ministry of Education for the purchase of textbooks, the school will provide you with a subsidy. Whether or not your child is eligible for a subsidy for the purchase of textbooks will depend on your child’s enrolment date with us.
    • We will also provide you with access to online Slovak textbooks, which are available on the editing portal in PDF format. We will also give you access to some educational websites (e.g. SmartBooks, Minecraft education, etc.).

Tuition fees can be paid once a year or every calendar month, or by individual agreement. If a parent chooses to enrol his/her child during the current school year, the monthly tuition fee is increased by EUR 25 until the end of the school year. The tuition fee for this pupil will be 0 euro for the rest of the school year, as we receive 0 euro from the state.

We believe that the economic background of a family should not determine the education of the children in it, so we take this issue seriously and have agreed with literally everyone so far. To ensure that finances are not a barrier to education, it is possible to apply for a scholarship of up to 100% in the enrolment period (April 5-15) for the following school year. Email, with a brief description of your financial situation. Applications with justification are reviewed on an individual basis.

If you have serious family reasons or technical problems with meeting deadlines, please communicate them to us in advance at and together we will surely find a workable solution. Repeated checks or repeated actions by our colleagues require more time on our part, which should not be lost to families who comply with the deadlines and rules, therefore, repeated requests for the necessary documents or repeated actions/inspections will be charged at a fee of 10 euro. Other reasons are: non-payment of tuition fees by the due date and repeated and unsuccessful contacting of the family by the school through a pre-agreed channel (email, telephone, etc.).

Commission examination

pripravujeme podrobné informácie


V odkaze na online kalendár s termínmi na preskúšavanie si môžete vyberať deň a čas, kedy Vám preskúšanie vyhovuje.


Po výbere termínu, do kolónky “KDE” napíšte celé priezvisko a meno Vášho dieťaťa, ktoré sa preskúšania zúčastní.


Na tomto odkaze nájdete pár obrázkov, ktoré Vám pomôžu v procese výberu termínu, nájdenia odkazu na online stretnutie, a aj o zrušení termínu. Obsadený termín sa objaví vo vašom osobnom Google kalendári, kde v podrobnostiach udalosti nájdete aj link na pripojenie na online stretnutie a môžete si v ňom taktiež nastaviť pripomienky, aby ste nezabudli.

Pre pripojenie postačuje bežný prehliadač (Mozilla Firefox, Chrome, Opera…), na mobiloch odporúčame nainštalovať aplikáciu Google Meet. Budeme radi, ak si zapnete aj kameru, pretože niektorých z vás uvidíme prvý raz v živote :). Po zvolení termínu v rezervačnom systéme tento už NEbude zobrazovaný ostatným cudzím návštevníkom kalendára. Ak máte obmedzené možnosti, kedy sa viete pripojiť (napr. kvôli komplikovanejšej rodinnej situácii), odporúčame navštíviť kalendár čím skôr, kým je v ňom množstvo neobsadených termínov. Pokiaľ by ste nemohli absolvovať preskúšanie v žiadnom z termínov (napr. kvôli časovému pásmu), napíšte nám na

Aby bolo preskúšavanie čo najefektívnejšie, skúšajúci kolega bude mať prístup k portfóliu Vášho dieťaťa, a vďaka tomu bude v obraze. Portfólio skúšajúci kontroluje týždeň pred termínom, vtedy už tam majú byť nahraté súbory aj za štvrtý štvrťrok.

V prípade akýchkoľvek otázok nás, prosím, kontaktujte spätne na, prípadne telefonicky na číslo školskej recepcie 0948223247.

Tešíme sa na spoluprácu a želáme veľa príjemných jarných dní :)!

Online interest groups

In the 2024/2025 school year we plan to online interest groups:
  • Languages ​​(English, Russian, German, Spanish, French).
  • Computer Science with Emil is intended for 3rd to 5th graders (ideal age is 9-11 years) – you must have purchased a workbook for the class.
  • Fairytale creation for 1st grade – an online group focused on connecting fairy tales (stories) with art creation.
  • Homeschool Friends – the group is intended for 2nd grade, its focus is on creating a common free space without an “adult”, free online “socialization”, where homeschoolers can get to know each other, talk, exchange various information and experiences, but also learn together.
  • We are also planning other online interest groups
The classes are held for 45-60 minutes per week for all age groups at our school. The price is €5 per session (45 min. for 1st grade, 60 min. for 2nd grade).

Frequently asked questions - updated 5.4.2024

Yes, we expect that a parent’s or guardian’s interest in your child’s education and upbringing will motivate you to read a few pages that may decide your child’s future. Moreover, we have gone to a lot of trouble just to avoid future misunderstandings. And maybe you will come to the conclusion that free education is not for you (we mean mainly adults, not children).

The Ministry of Education has included us in the network of school facilities under the name of the Private Primary School of Free Democratic Education, Galaktická 9, Košice and the Private School Children’s Club as part of the Private Primary School of Free Democratic Education, Galaktická 9, Košice. Our founder is Ťahanovská záhrada, legal form: civil association, in the register of the Ministry of the Interior: association (union, society, company, club, etc.), ID number: 52101606 with registered office: Ťahanovská 2038/74, 04013 Košice – Ťahanovce, Slovak Republic, Registration number: VVS/1-900/90-55162. Our team includes approximately 30 associates. Financing of our activities is provided by several sources: through the normative from the state budget, from parents’ payments, two percent (appropriated tax) and sponsorship donations from private and legal persons.

It is important for our school to know the specifics of our pupils – whether it is a diagnosed disadvantage or a specificity that has a more significant impact on a child’s education and learning. If we are aware of these specifics, we can take them into account when working with the child. For example, if a child is putting extra effort into writing or reading to underachieve compared to their peers, we feel it is important to know this and take this into account, or provide tailored support for the child.

Also, legislation places a responsibility on us as a school to deal with the child on the basis of good quality and comprehensive information, which includes reading reports from doctors, counselling services etc. and is also part of the statutory school records we keep on the pupil.

We are committed to strive for inclusion to the best of our knowledge and conscience. We will naturally provide a basic level of human support (known as Group 1 and Group 2 sub-measures) to all pupils according to their individual needs, subject to more significant adjustments for a child’s particular special needs (learning disabilities, ADHD, impaired communication. However, it is already necessary to have a valid report from a special education examination in the counselling centre (a specialist doctor is not enough, a counselling centre is needed). Our school has a school support team made up of special educators and psychologists, we understand special educational needs and the legislation in this area and we know that the key for the legal representative is to get qualified answers to their questions, therefore, on an individual basis, we will provide consultations according to the needs of the child and the interest of the legal representative.

First of all, we would like to say that we very much appreciate the work of the school founders who have embarked on this difficult journey. We have friends and acquaintances among them, some of whom we work with or even support directly free of charge (both private primary schools and community education groups). The idea of practical, humane and freer education is a common one, but we all implement it a little differently. When a primary school is included in the network of schools in the Slovak Republic, this gives it many advantages, disadvantages and characteristics as such. Ordinary non-formalised community education groups are not school-based, so children are usually home educated – this means, for example, more freedom but less money (there is no state funding for activities). Our school is included in the network of schools from 1.9.2021 and in order to maximise the preservation of freedom, we have asked the Ministry in cooperation with the University of Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra for an experimental verification of self-directed education. Details about it can be found in a separate question below.

Other of the differences in our day school compared to a regular school are the efforts to self-manage the school with the participation of the children, self-directed learning, free play and being outdoors, which will be key in our school. The children will learn primarily practically and outdoors several days a week; they can, of course, also choose to learn at their own discretion at the table and indoors.

By completing the online application form. It takes a few days to process the application, after which you will be contacted by email (so check your junk mail (spam)).

No, it’s not possible. We are a primary school and compulsory pre-primary education can only be implemented in kindergartens or in non-networked pre-primary education facilities registered by the Ministry of Education (community kindergartens, children’s clubs, etc.).

The following text is valid only until 31.8.2024, we will update the new conditions: The law prescribes mandatory testing for homeschooled children at least twice a year in a regular elementary school (called a Tribal School). We will be happy to be that school for you. We encourage you to also see the question about experimental validation, where we describe a unique scheme in the country for letting children decide what they learn when: without the stress of testing or benchmarking. Of course, there is verbal assessment in every year of the whole primary school, and other support that we can negotiate individually to suit the child in question.Keďže k našim hlavným prioritám patrí slobodné učenie a voľná hra, našou snahou aj úmyslom je pripraviť dieťa na preskúšanie len do tej miery, aby preskúšanie zvládlo na takú úroveň, akú si samo stanoví – nebudeme ho nijako manipulovať, uplácať, strašiť ani pred ním tajiť legislatívny fakt, že nedostatočné vedomosti môžu znamenať zrušenie domáceho vzdelávania.
Ak ale zákonný zástupca z nejakého dôvodu chce pre dieťa „samé jednotky“, tak je v jeho záujme tomu venovať čas a priestor. Pre nás sú prvoradé požiadavky, potreby a záujmy dieťaťa. Preto nie je pre nás podstatné, čo má dieťa vyplnené v zošite, ale to, čo má v hlave a ako vie použiť dané učivo v praxi. Rodičom a zákonným zástupcom ponúkneme jasné informácie o očakávaniach, materiály a konzultačnú pomoc tak, aby dieťa zvládlo preskúšanie bez zbytočného stresu.

No, the legislation currently allows distance (meaning online) and face-to-face examinations (meaning directly at the tribal school at Galaktická 9 in Košice). You will be able to choose between online or at the school in Košice.

The school provides textbooks if you have ordered them in time (by the end of June) or according to our stock possibilities; compulsory documentation of the pupil (we will create for you the Application for Individual Education including its attachments – IVP, etc., the catalogue sheet of the pupil, on a semi-annual basis the report of the commission examinations), portfolio examination on a semi-annual basis and as one of the few schools we automatically offer the IV guarantor for both levels of education in the amount of the tuition fee. We also offer one-to-one counselling throughout the year and a highly individualised approach for pupils with special educational needs, including psychological and special educational counselling. We have also started regular online support groups for parents with our psychologists.

Definitely yes and very happy. We can use the consultation hours that are included in the tuition fee or will be negotiated above and beyond to advise on psychology, pedagogy, special education, management, finances, processes, policies, legislation and much more. Details can be arranged on an individual basis, contact us.
Yes, the Free School provides the services of a qualified tutor for both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. This service is provided free of charge for Free School pupils, for pupils of other primary schools it is charged in the price list, in which it is also possible to arrange individual consultations or documentation.
Yes, you don’t need to enquire, we have space for home educated children. More information for homeschoolers is at this link.
We usually send information about regular competitions to pupils in our school by email well in advance of the competition. All communication regarding competitions can be directed to
Since special forms of education are exempted from the experimental verification of free democratic education from 1.9.2024, the content of their education is defined by the curricula of the State Educational Programme published separately for 1st and 2nd grade. at this link, and assessed by classification grades, i.e. grades 1-5 in all years of primary school (years 1 to 9). For pupils on IV for medical reasons, we will, of course, take into account their current capabilities and abilities in accordance with their diagnosis and current physical and mental state.

We respect them, understand their importance in the education market and are inspired by what we find useful or otherwise beneficial. We agree that a child’s upbringing and education should be in harmony with the processes of nature as well as with the maturation of the child in question. We agree that children and nature are close to each other; we believe that children belong in nature and can learn much from it and through it, or find natural solace in it. We also agree with the principle of multisensory perception and see its great importance for effective learning for both children and adults. However, we do not attach as much importance to order, structure, deliberate purposeful guidance in activities and their selection, nor to an adult-directed programme as the above-mentioned guidelines. We believe that a parent should be as identified as possible with the form and methods of education and training that he or she chooses for his or her child. We do not believe that we are “the best in the education market” and through our knowledge and experience, we fully understand many of our friends and their children who choose the aforementioned directions. We believe in the model of free democratic education and we are trying to implement it in the context of the Slovak education system and the current school legislation, also thanks to the project of experimental validation, so that other schools can replicate it after us.

Above all, they are destroying our children’s material values. Children, through their irresponsible attitude, destroy the tools and instruments they work with (‘around the house’); we calculate this at hundreds of euros a year. But given that I suffer from experience (100 years of the “model” Summerhill school) this does not bring any good solution. Anyway, we try to discuss at the community circle and draw natural and logical consequences (e.g. recently the kids wanted to make a ladder and found they had no hammers – we didn’t provide any more and they had to deal with the situation differently). It is to accuse children of doing difficult things on purpose. Rather, it is just an irresponsible and careless attitude on their part. We have no sanctions or punishments in place. The point is to make them understand that the thing in question is rather new to them right away because it costs money and those limited resources. Of course, we don’t expect children to understand this immediately – it’s a longer term process, and as children gradually grow up, they will continue indefinitely. The next thing I will only reach is the fact that children in our school are more and more likely to have various bruises or scrapes compared to regular schools, as they are active outdoors on a variety of surfaces or terrains. They use common “adult” tools (e.g. knives or saws), fire, play with sticks, move loads, climb trees, jump, roll on the ground, etc. 

Founders: we are Juraj and Lenka Mazak, parents of three sons, for whom we want something different than the current school system offers. We have devoted years to study, practice and experimentation in pedagogy and with respect for the experience and wisdom of those before us, we bring you the first free school in Košice. Lenka is a kindergarten teacher, primary school teacher for grades 1-4 and a special educator focused on remediation of learning and behavioral disorders by education and experience; she graduated with a PaedDr. degree from UNIPO in Prešov in 2007-2012. Her eight years of experience include positions as a primary school teacher, special educator in both primary school and counselling centre (CŠPP Bocatiova, Košice) and currently works as a consultant for the development of national standards at the Research Institute of Child Psychology and Pathopsychology. Juraj is a computer science engineer from TUKE, has additional pedagogical studies and 5 years of teaching experience in several schools, mostly French bilingual high school; he runs a family business in IT and accounting. He is involved in education in many projects, he is a member of the Ťahanovce housing estate and also a member of the Education Commission of the City of Košice. Together with his wife, he founded and runs a community garden, which provides both indoor and garden space for the free school. His biography can be found briefly at Our team consists of several members. More information about them can be found in Our Team. 🙂

We are not affiliated with any church, religious society or similar ideological grouping. We will provide children with information about religions and ideologies in accordance with current legislation as set out in the National Curriculum. Of course, we will, to the best of our knowledge and conscience, answer any questions they ask us – and you too, so please feel free to ask questions that are not already covered here, for example by emailing us at

Democratic  type schools SummerhillSudbury Valley describe books and publications Svoboda učení (original in EN / czech translate), Respektovat a být respektován (original by czech) or Summerhill (originál v AJ / český preklad). Video The Land and is dedicated to the concept of free play and unstructured environments. In the Slovak Republic, the Trnava group operated on these principles Svetoskola, in the Czech Republic (and in a significantly different legislative environment), for example, the Prague, Brno or Liberec, others are in most major cities across Europe. Over the past years we have visited several of them, i.e. community, alternative or democratic schools in the Slovak Republic and the Czech Republic, and collected know-how by reading and online. For more information about Free Democratic Schools, see for example or in PDF forme on website Charles University in Prague. Many good books mention the web alternativni

The reasons that lead us to the mixed age group are mentioned in the literature presented on our website in the section Inspiration. If you look at the everyday world, outside of education, people are not divided by age, but by interests, for example. In addition to better preparing children for real life, mixed age groups lead to minimizing problems associated with feelings of inferiority. Each child’s development is naturally uneven, and it is wrong to standardise and ‘align’ children in a group.In a mixed-age group, a child can try out skills with younger children that he or she has not yet mastered, and can learn more from older children in an area of interest to him or her. Older children are great motivators and both parties benefit from the experience of learning (with) each other, much like in the extended family or on the street during the holidays. Younger children naturally gravitate towards older children, not adults. The issue of mixed groups is explained very nicely and extensively in P. Gray’s book Freedom to Learn, among others.

It is possible for a child to transfer to any other school in the Slovak school system at any time without legal problems, for example to enter an eight-year grammar or secondary school according to his or her abilities. In our school, the child receives a proper report card as in any other primary school.

We are happy to be the home school for pupils studying abroad. From a tribal school’s perspective, it does not matter whether a child is studying abroad full-time or studying remotely; for us, it is the international student whose examination is at the parent’s request and does not have to be every year.

Our guides know the basic elements of Slovak sign language thanks to (and because of) my colleague Ľudo, who is deaf. They also have the training and experience to work with children with impaired communication skills or, for example, autism spectrum disorders. As each child is unique, we would be happy to discuss further information in a personal interview.

Our goal is to educate and shape our children into confident and responsible adults. We think that the traditional school system fails to achieve that, regardless of the language or country. Children can learn best when we let their imagination flourish and we have evidence of their cooperation even without having the same language. Our inspiration comes from foreign schools Summerhill / Sudbury which have been functioning this way for many years with great success. If your family or your child does not speak Slovak, we (both teachers and some children) can comfortably communicate in English as well, eventually in German. Bilingual families are welcome too, our founders are one of them (SK+EN). In need of more information you can email us ( or call us (+421 911 157 038).

We believe that a child learns in a stimulating environment with the participation of other children and adults through direct interaction. The mediation and significant reduction in the quality of peer contact through internet transmission fails to provide almost any educational elements and very few educational ones that would stem from direct personal experience with the world around us. We can provide you with expert support (support team) and guidance in education, you have the opportunity to take advantage of online interest group, and joint activities designed for our day pupils on the school premises or on joint trips. We consider it appropriate for children to spend time away from the computer, we will not run half day classes in front of a screen in the usual sense.

We have collected our inspiration from several sources and the most important ones, which have been published in books, can be found mentioned on our website in the Inspiration. Current scientific knowledge on brain, psychological and pedagogical research supports our model. After all, the successful educational models of the much-talked-about Nordic countries such as Finland, Iceland and Estonia are also moving towards freedom in education.

On the basis of the opinion of the State Pedagogical Institute ŠPÚ-340-958-1926/2021 dated 15.06.2021 the Ministry of Education issued the decision No.2021/12827:9-A2140 dated 22.06.2021, approving our “Application for experimental verification of free democratic education” with effect from 01.09.2021. The guarantor of the experimental verification is the University of Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra, Faculty of Education, Dražovská 4, Nitra, represented by doc. PaedDr. Gábor Pintes, PhD., we also cooperate with other universities (Faculty of Medicine of UPJŠ Košice, Faculty of Humanities of UTB Zlín Czech Republic). The expected completion date is 31.8.2030. The subject of the experimental validation project will be, in accordance with §14 of the Act No. 245/2008 Coll. on education and training: a) aims, methods and means of education; b) educational programmes of education fields or their parts; c) method of management of schools and school facilities. The details of the experimental validation project are well beyond the scope of the paper for the website (together with appendices about 160 pages), so we rather present their application in practice, e.g. in the form of the following frequently asked questions.

As of 1.9.2024, pupils educated according to special forms of education have been exempted from the experimental verification of self-directed education and are bound by the curriculum for a given grade and subject.

Collaboration starts with getting to know our inspiration, frequently asked questions and filling in electronic application form. If you have unanswered questions that you would like to discuss before enrolling, please contact us at, or 0911 157 038. Once you have completed the application form, we will send you details for payment of the registration fee and information on the next steps.

Please contact us at to discuss possible reciprocal remuneration. Thank you.