Welcome to the Free Democratic School Košice website
Extraordinary Democratic Primary School
included in the network of primary schools
by decision of the Ministry of Education 2020/10770:9-A2200
Vitajte na webe Slobodnej školy Košice
Neobyčajná demokratická zakladna škola
zaradená do siete základných škôl
rozhodnutím min. školstva 2020/10770:9-A2200
Vitajte na webe
Slobodnej školy Košice
Our goal is to educate and shape our children into confident and responsible adults. We think that the traditional school system fails to achieve that. Children can learn the best when we let their imagination flourish. Our inspiration comes from foreign schools Summerhill / Sudbury which function in this way for many years with great success.
If your family or your child does not speak Slovak, we (teachers and also including some children) can comfortably communicate in English as well, possibly in German. In need of more information you can mail us (info@slobodnaskola.sk) or call us (+421 911 157 038).
Slobodná demokratická škola Košice prijíma nových žiakov pre školský rok 2022/2023 do 1. až 9. ročníka na denné aj domáce študium. Bez neustáleho riadenia a prísunu podnetov poskytneme priestor pre osvedčený model slobodného vzdelávania a voľnej hry potvrdený aj najnovšími poznatkami z pedagogiky, psychológie a neurológie. Formálne sme bežná základná škola a preto päť dní v týždni bude kvalifikovaný personál sprevádzať deti svetom v slobode, inklúzii, pri zachovaní vnútornej motivácie a hojnom pobyte vonku. Dovolíme Vášmu dieťaťu učiť sa spôsobom a tempom jemu vlastným.
What children are welcome
We are looking forward to all children of compulsory school age, Slovak is not a requirement (we can also speak English, German or sign language). We also create a barrier-free space for children who “don’t fit into the system”, who might (might) be rejected, stigmatized or misunderstood. We also consider the integration and inclusion of children with special educational needs to be mutually beneficial.
Experience shows that this type of self-directed education (free/democratic school) may not be suitable for all children and especially not for all parents. Initial enthusiasm without conviction about the values referred to in section Inšpirácia is not a sufficient basis. If you are looking for an alternative to a mainstream school, we can guide you in a personal or online conversation. For a clearer picture of how Freedom in Education works, arrange a meeting or temporary stay with us in an education group.
Ways of education
Our guides (teachers) have completed courses for the Hejny method (mathematics), Commenia Script, Sfumato fused reading, computer science with Emil, Montessori education, Respect and be respected course and also training in non-violent communication. The founders Lenka and Juraj graduated bilingually, they raise their children bilingually and English is casually present in conversations, books and multimedia. We consider the presence of men in direct work with the children important, children’s abundant time in nature in the sense of forest nurseries, and we use elements of Montessori, Waldorf and intuitive pedagogy. All of the above is in terms of the available offer and the overview of the guides – the child chooses his/her own way and procedure of learning, the school offers a stimulating environment and a professional approach. We consider the child’s own direct experience, together with free play, to be the best way for the child to engage with the world.
Learning Outcome
The nature of free education implies an indirect focus on the acquisition of children’s social skills, the promotion of healthy emotional development, the education of responsibility for one’s own life and surroundings, and the free profiling of the child according to his or her gifts and interests. We are also concerned about the cognitive development of children, but according to each child’s individual pace, abilities and (mo)mental adjustment – this means that not every child will always meet the charts and expectations of their surroundings or comparisons with mainstream primary school. It is our responsibility to offer a variety of working methods in the interest of acquiring the required knowledge, while maintaining intrinsic motivation and the fire in their eyes. We consider the valuable outcome of school education to be a confident and aware young person with a desire to build his/her world.
The tuition fee for the first child in the family is set at €340 per month, excluding board, and is paid for 12 months of the year. For the second child it is reduced by 20%, for the other children by 30%. Other fees such as the school children’s club, the PTA, the parents’ fund or the class fund are no longer payable. “Homeschoolers” have a school fee of €25 per month in the school year 2023/24.
The tuition fee includes: full-day care of guides (including the school children’s club), all textbooks and workbooks, teaching aids, consumables for activities, transportation and activities around the city, entrance fees of various cultural institutions, consultation with a psychologist or special educator. For more details, please refer to the frequently asked questions.
To ensure that finances are not a barrier to your studies, it is possible to apply for a scholarship
up to 100%. Applications with justification are considered on an individual basis.
We offer guides (teachers) who want to teach with passion and a shared vision – to be there for children to the fullest in a free environment without bureaucracy. We consider indispensable the professional background and complete counseling service (special educator, psychologist, home education sponsor) available to children, parents and school staff.
We are therefore building a dedicated team of enthusiasts, professionals and parents. We are aware that we have been brought up and educated in undemocratic ways, and even so we will make mistakes and learn as we go along. We believe that admitting mistakes and apologizing will mainly set a good example for the children and an opportunity to do things better together with them – and you 😉.